Thursday, September 13, 2012

It is Jayden's favorite thing...

And I have to admit its one of mine too.. Jayden just crawled up onto my lap and asked me to tickle his back. I'm a sucker for cuddle time with my babies!! I'm pretty sure they know it, too! It's an effective momma manipulation tool. Cuddles, hugs, kisses, and loves. All of the things that melt my heart.

I may whine about my kids a bit, I may not be very perfect, and I may have yelled at my children out of frustration earlier today... One thing is for sure, they make my heart feel super happy ;) I wouldn't trade this chaos for anything in the world.

Another thing I can say, to my credit, is that I have two incredibly affectionate children. They give lots of hugs and kisses. I love it when they will climb up on my lap with a book or their iPads (yes, *gasp* my children each have a first generation iPad which we can discuss later). Learning together is a highlight of my day. Listening to them giggle and play just puts a smile on my face. On the flip side, listening to them scream and fight with each other is similar to fingernails on a chalkboard ;)

Right now, Jayden is chasing Aubrey with a fishing pole and she is fighting him off with a giant green balloon... Which has just devolved into a "sword fight" between the fishing pole and paint roller (think long thin extension pole for the tiny paint rolls)... Ending in Aubrey bonking Jayden on the head with the roller, to which Aubrey said "oh sorry" in her adorable, high-pitched, munchkin voice and Jayden informed her "you have to give me a hug and say you are sorry!" It was an adorable exchange. Is this irresponsible? Allowing the children to chase, argue, and have sword fights? I watched them do this. I was less than a foot away. Perhaps I should have intervened. Then again, perhaps it's important to allow kids to be kids, fight their own battles, and develop conflict resolution skills. Oh, the complexities of parenting!! All we can do is be true to ourselves, do what feels right for us, and hope it turns out great in the end!

Until next time. Love and light!

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