Saturday, December 14, 2013

War on Christmas?

The so-called "War on Christmas" is potentially one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. I do not understand why everyone is getting so offended. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, it's the same thing. It's someone wishing you goodness during this season. Happy holidays is all encompassing. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, and any other holidays that fall in that time frame. Merry Christmas is just that, wishing you happiness for one day, a day you may or may not celebrate. Do you really believe the Christ you are celebrating would be offended or upset by something so ridiculously trivial??? 

It seems to me that your Christ, through his teachings, would be more concerned with the hyper-materialism and commercialization of said holiday, or the starving, and freezing, children in this country. He would be more concerned about what people DID than what people said. After all, it's the intent behind the words. Christ taught people to be kind, loving, charitable, giving, and accepting. So sad to see so many people this easily distracted by a fictitious war on Christmas causing them to forget all about the teachings of a man they are supposedly celebrating. 

BJ wisely talked me out of making that my Facebook status, but I needed to get it out of my system so it went up on the blog. 

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