Sunday, September 16, 2012

A beautiful day!

Today was a phenomenal day. BJ and I woke up, got ready, and headed over to his parents house around 11am. From there we drove up to Snowbird for Oktoberfest. The gates opened at noon, and thats when we arrived. First thing we did upon arrival was go to the big tent where they have a band, dancing, and food. It was adorable, there were lots of little ones dancing on the dance floor, and of course Aubrey and Jayden wanted to join in the fun. BJ got himself a giant beer (it's Oktoberfest, that's the whole point! lol), the kids split a piece of pizza, and then the dancing began. I danced with both of the little ones, I sort of danced with BJ... if you can call that dancing... I am still too much of a stick in the mud to dance with my husband, but apparently I can let loose and dance with my munchkins!

After the excitement of dancing, we wanted to ride the tram. We rode it up to the top of the mountain, hiked down a ways, and took the chair lift the rest of the way to the bottom. Unfortunately we didn't get to go through the tunnel, which probably would have been a much easier climb since neither BJ or I were wearing the appropriate hiking shoes for that kind of rocky terrain. However, BJ and I held hands and had a nice walk down the mountain together while the kids changed off between Chris, Cassy, Matt, and Aimee. Jayden initially was with Grandpa Chris, but Jayden wanted to move way more quickly than Grandpa was able, so he ran off and walked with Matt and Aimee. Aubrey held onto Grandma (once she woke up, she was asleep on my shoulder the ride up the tram and for most of the wandering we did prior to the actual hike down), then she held onto Aimee, then Grandpa, then back to me. When we got down the mountain to the chair lift, we had a somewhat anxious moment when Aubrey wanted Grandma, who was on the chair in front of us. There was a bit of a tantrum and far too much wiggling for my comfort on that chair lift for the first 5-10 minutes or so. When you are that high up, those antics are simply terrifying!

After the tram ride, the kids got to jump in the inflatable play area for a while and BJ tried the rock climbing wall. He picked the hardest of the 3 sides to climb and was doing reasonably well considering until his pant legs kept getting caught on the holds and he hung there for so long his muscles just locked up and couldn't take it anymore, at which point he got to repel down to the bottom. I was looking forward to some rock climbing, but spent the time with the kids in their inflatable wonderland instead. Next time I'm climbing though, next time! After that we grabbed a rather expensive bite to eat (slightly less than a Disneyland meal!) and headed to the Alpine Slide! The slide at Snowbird isn't quite as awesome, or as efficient as the one at Park City. You ride up the lift, wait in line to get a sled, then walk a ways and wait in another line to go down the hill. BJ had Aubrey with him, and I had Jayden on my lap. The kids LOVED it! As soon as we got to the bottom of the hill, both children excitedly yelled "again!!!" Unfortunately it was nearly 5pm at this point and we were running out of time for the day. BJ and Matt rode the zip-line a few times, I admired some hippie clothes in one of the booths and then we called it a day! 

As always there is so much more to say, so many stories to tell, and lessons to share, but I'm tired and my husband just hollered from the other room "why am I lonely??" which is my queue to leave the blog behind and go behave wifely. 

Until next time, Love and Light!

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome. I'm glad you're posting about real life. It's worth it. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!! Xoxoxo
